
A member of Lithuanian Lawyers’ Association.


2016, March 31 st Attending International Workshop/Conference „Dialogue and Cooperation in the Context of Divorse: Wishes and Interests of the Child“
2016, September, 16th–17th attending Lithuania‘s Women Conference „ Active women“
2016, October 27 th young citizens of Lithuania were acquainted with Lawyer‘s profession
mokykloj jurgos

2016, November 20 th-22 nd attending Training for Legal Practitioners EU GENDER EQUALITY LAW on behalf of the European Commission.


Seminar organized by Lithuanian Bar Association “Novelties of Civil Procedure“ Civilinio proceso aktualijos”, prof. V. Višinskis, LApT teisėjas
Seminar organized by Ministry of Justice “Securing Children Rights in Family Case Law“


Partcipated in a discussion “Legal Aid: prospects and challenges“
Vytautas Magnus University Conference “How Globalization Influences Law: Procedural Transnational Law“
Vytautas Magnus University Conference “Hatred on the Internet as a Challege to Secure Human Rights: Theory and Practice“
Pravesta diskusija Konstitucijos dienos proga Kauno Jono Jablonskio gimnazijoje


2013, November, 7th–9th attending a defence rights training programme organized by „Fair Trials International“, in Warsaw.
The programme includes EU criminal justice measures, including:
the European Arrest Warrant
the European Supervision Order
the three new EU procedural rights Directives (right to interpretation and translation, right to information in criminal proceedings, and right of access to a lawyer).


A member of election commission in 2012
21/09/2012 partcipated in a discussion “Criminal Liability As Ultima Ratio”
Seminars organized by Lithuanian Bar Association attended in 2012:
“Contracts: practical aspects of contract formation“
“Covert Actions Of Investigation In Criminal Procedure”
“Mediation in Familly and Labour disputes/ Legal negotiations“
“Labour contract: Changes in Labour Code, recent precedents“
“Legal negotiations“

2011 participated in Kaunas municipality elections

Seminars organized by Lithuanian Bar Association attended in 2011:

„Problems of establishing causality and guilt in criminal offences against human life
and health, and road safety “
“Specifics of lawsuits with international element”
“Law of Succession”
“Specifics of buying and selling agreements of shares of closed joint stock companies”
“Practice of administrative law: pre-trial proceedings in violations in the sphere of tax
“Authority of officers, who are empowered to try cases of the violations of
administrative law”
“Basics of investigation of traffic offences”

2011.11.15 participated in Conference Arbitration Day 2011. Relation Between Courts and Arbitration in Resolution of Commercial Disputes

Prepared the application no. 35624/04 case of Šulcas v. Lithuania for European Court of Human Rights; judgment 5 January, 2010

2010 prepared a legal expertise for Court of England

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